Tuesday, April 11, 2017

This is it guys... Everything we've worked for is finally complete. It was a pleasure blogging for you guys and i hope you enjoy my film. I now present my film opening..... Yellow skies

I have set up my  Directors commentary  on YouTube for you guys to watch. Hope you guys enjoy and get a look through this amazing journey.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

We are in a bit of a dilema. We don't know whether to put subtitles in the spanish parts of our film. We want our gangsters to be hispanic men. The boss only speak spanish and his right hand man speaks both and talks for the both of them with clients. We got a the perfect set up ti make this meetting between Dylan and the boss very intimidating by setting up the scenery beautifully. We are having the meeting take place on the roof of an enpty parking lot with bright high beams on amd speaking spanish to make it sound legit. We put a lot of effort into this new idea and finished filming a week ago.
My group and I got some great footage of Wynwood, the art district of Miami and it's key
To our film because it shows how a dirty city can still be so beautiful. As we show footage we have a song playing that relates to the overall plot of the story. We got legal approval to use this song with copy right and have photo proof of it for any problems. We got paintings all over over wynwood on film. We got the perfect mise-en-scene for the film in every seen.
Slight Change

My group and I have decided that we did not like the idea of the bank robbery. We changed the entire film last minute, but everything turned out ok. Our new story has to do with gangsters who are in charge of a man in his mid twenties looking to make some money. The young man in the film, "Dylan" is a body disposer for the Gangsters and he is contracted to do a job. We have a head gangster who is in control of every deal amd he is considered to be the reañ deal. We want our character Dylan to meet up with him one day because he was recommended by a friend to get money                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and it goes with his character since he strives to be a gangster. We want the scene to feel intimidating and genuinely serious. We want to have a scene of Dylan disposing a body bag and then have him drive away likw it was nothing. This implies how much of a sick kid he is and what he's willing to do to make the ranks.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


To get all the props we need we have to make a checklist of everything we need to make this film
·      Fake Gun
·      Eviction Letter
·      Lock for door
·      Camera
·      Lights
·      Abandoned house
·      Car

These props have been mostly acquired already.

Next Blog: First day of filming
The Story
I want to start off the film by having the man wake up from his bed, but I want to make it a bunch of quick cuts to start building tension and getting the audience excited for what is to come. I want to then make himself breakfast, but make it each movement and each sound that is created by his actions be heard clearly, these are followed by short cuts to make this keep the momentum. This idea originated from the killing of the girl in the shower in Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Once he is finally eating I want my character to have a flash back of an issue with the bank. I want my character to be livid when it comes to thinking of the bank after what they did to his family. To give the audience the characters incentive to rob the bank I want to have footage of someone looking at an eviction notice letter with a lock on his door because he can’t get in. I want him to have a kid who he has to help raise alone because the either the mom died or she left the family.. My group and I still haven’t decided which one. Once he gets motivated I want to get shots of him driving to the bank and have close ups of each movement he makes when he drives. These close ups will come in short cuts followed by a serious or sad look on his face. I want the audience to start to feel the adrenaline that he is feeling. Once he arrives he will……………………

You’ll just have to see when the film comes out.